Cat Articles RSS

How To Train Your Cat (3): Know How To Administer Discipline Correctly

Understanding the basic concept, that it may be rather hard to administer discipline on a cat, is very important. This is to ensure the owner is able to maintain a cool and level headedness that is required to be consistent and persistent in administering the discipline anyway. Do It The Right Way The following are some of the ways that are used to correctly administer discipline to a cat with minimal results, but results nonetheless: • Learning to recognize and use the methods that only the cat will respond to will be a good place to start. It is an established fact that most cats will not respond unless it suits them to do so, thus there is a need...

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How To Train Your Cat (2): Understand Your Cat

Cats are very sensitive animals, thus their forms of communications may not necessarily take on the actual vocal meows in order to make themselves understood by other cats. Thus, there is a need for humans to be able to read into these actions and understand the messages the cat is trying to convey. Read The Signs Understanding the difference between the natural nature of the cat and the habits that the cat picks up is very important. Trying to train the cat to do something that goes against the very core nature of it will not only be confusing but will cause the cat to resist altogether. This will create a very unpleasant and stressful situation for both the cat...

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How To Train Your Cat (1)

The Basics On Cat Training Some owners use tactics such as spraying with water misters, loud shakers or any startling noise to show disapproval for certain behavioral traits. In some instances these methods work very well, while in others it seems to create confusion and fear in the cat as it does not really understand what the owner is unhappy about. This is even more complicated when the cat associates these actions with play as some cats do actually enjoy being sprayed with water, thus the initial reason for implementing such corrective measures does not really seem to work at all. Other methods that can be used to make the cat understand its negative actions would be to use a...

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What To Do About Litter Box Accidents

There is probably nothing more frustrating to a cat owner than litter box accidents. In fact, habitual litter box accidents are the number one reason why cat owners give their cats up to animal shelters. When your cat refuses to use the litter box, there is usually an underlying reason. Before you become exasperated by your cat's inability to make it to the litter box, here are some common causes for this problem.Litter Box WoesOne of the main reasons why a cat begins to refuse to use the litter box is because their own litter box is dirty. Many cats are extremely fussy about the condition of their litter box, while others will use it no matter how full it...

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Understanding Why Cats Fight

If you have a household with multiple cats, you know that cat fights do happen. Even if you cats generally get along, at times, they can still fight. While humans may not completely understand why their kitties are fighting, cats have their reasons for fighting. Some of these reasons are similar to the reasons that humans have disputes. Cats express their discontent with other cats by picking fights. The reasons why cats fight can help you determine how to prevent your cats from fighting in the future.Fighting for their territory: Many cats fight because of their territory. One of the reasons that cats fight is because they feel like an unwanted cat has invaded their territory, even if it is...

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