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Top 7 Tips to Making More Out of Less

The secret to becoming minimalist is not to throw out all your things and to stop doing the things you love. It’s not all about less.Rather, being minimal is about making the most out of what you already have. It’s about finding enjoyment in simple things, so that you can stop chasing rainbows. This is the secret to minimalism and actually, it’s the secret to happiness! Make a List of All the Things You Have Yet to DoWhy are you thinking of buying a new book or game when you haven’t finished everything on your shelf? And just how many other fun activities could you be enjoying using the things you already have? Make a list and keep this in...

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What Constitutes a Minimalist Lifestyle?

Want to try out a minimalist lifestyle? Great! But one second……What exactly is a minimalist lifestyle? What does it mean to have a more minimal décor or routine?Let’s take a look before we get ahead of ourselves! What Minimalism is and What it is Not! There are a lot of misconceptions about minimalism and a lot of people seem to use it almost as a weapon – as something they can lord over other people and use to show off! This is rather defeating the point. Rather, minimalism is about stopping comparing yourself to others and stopping lusting after all the things you see in pricey magazines.Instead, it’s about knowing what you want out of life and knowing how to...

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How to Adopt a Minimalist Lifestyle in 5 Easy Steps

Adopting a more minimalist lifestyle can be a simple way to make yourself happier and more fulfilled. Too often, we hold the belief that we need to do more and fill our lives with more things in order to be happy – but actually this couldn’t be further from the truth. Scaling back is what will allow us to focus on the things we have and to really appreciate what is already going well in our life. At the same time, having less and committing to less will give us more time to relax, to recharge and to attack the day refreshed. Minimalism brings fewer money concerns, a less stressed calendar and so much more. So how do you embrace...

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Do You Have Too Much Stuff? A Checklist for Your New Minimalist Lifestyle

Having too much stuff might sound like an oxymoron to some people but the reality is that too much of anything can be a bad thing. In fact, this is pretty much the central maxim of minimalism! What you learn as a minimalist, is that the more you cut back on unnecessary ‘stuff’ and clutter, the less stress you have, the more free you become and the more you can appreciate the few items that really matter to you.But what is ‘too much’? Take a look at this checklist and let’s find out together if you fall into this category… You Dread the Thought of Cleaning Surfaces Isn’t it time you dusted the shelf in your bedroom? If the very...

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Change Your Life for the Better With a Minimalistic Lifestyle

I’m going to paint you a picture of what life could be like if you decided to go just a little more minimal. Minimalism is something that can sound a little boring or a little unfulfilling for some people – but that normally just means they don’t understand it.Instead, imagine that you’ve decided to prioritise quality over quantity and that you want to start doing less with more. Instead of yearning after every item you see in magazines or on TV, you have decided exactly what matters to you and you know how much money you need to get it. For many people, this will mean moving into a smaller home or perhaps even a more affordable area. Perhaps near...

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