Cat Articles RSS

How To Train Your Cat (7): The Issues With Not Training Your Cat

The consequences of not training a cat can be very damaging both to the cat and to the owner. Without some level of control, a cat is not able to understand and control its habits, which in turn will cause problems that are often irreparable. It’s For Their Good There are some much focused areas that need some level of training to be incorporated, otherwise the results can be very bad indeed. Litter training is probably the easiest to cope with and also the area that could potentially cause a lot of problems for the owner if it is not done very early on. If there is no clear indication of a litter box being available, the cat will happily...

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How To Train Your Cat (6): Litter Box Training

Litter box training does not have to be a stressful and tedious affair. With the proper motivation the cat will more than willingly use it as their designated toilet. However, in order to achieve some level of success, the owner would have to adopt some rather innovative ideas to create the ideal setting that will encourage the cat to use the litter box consistently. Helpful Hints The following are some recommendations on how to go about house training the kitten to use the litter box: • Most kittens will instinctively use the litter box, simply due to the fact that the contents of the box closely resemble the material of what they would be wired to recognize as a suitable...

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How To Train Your Cat (5): Training For Biting And Scratching

A cat’s normal reaction to anything that is causing it discomfort is to bite or scratch. Therefore, locating the reason for this reaction will help the owner to either eliminate the uncomfortable factor that is annoying the cat or to work towards getting the cat to respond better and more favourably to the perceived intrusion. Putting A Stop To Aggression Teaching a cat to respond favorably takes some strategy on the part of the owner. Most cats enjoy being stroked, but they usually dictate when they have had enough by either biting or scratching. This is their way of saying they have had enough. However, this in not an acceptable way to show their fussiness and it would be wise...

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Keeping Kitty Safe

There are a lot of measures that can be taken to keep a kitty safe. Most of these measures are very easy to enforce, while others may take a little time and thought. However, it is possible to keep a kitty safe, even though the general perception towards cats is that they are animals that simply refuse to be trained and confined. Protecting Your Kitty The following are some suggestions that can be used to provide the necessary precautions in keeping a kitty safe: • Keeping the cats indoors is perhaps the most effective way of keeping the animal safe. Although this is not a full proof solution, as most cats will eventually find ways to get out once they...

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How To Train Your Cat (4): Learning About Resources And How To Use Them

Basically, learning to outsmart the cat is the way to go about when it comes to using the resources available. Any other way could prove to be both nerve racking and definitely stressful to both the cat and more so for the owner. Know Your Stuff Most cats will not respond well to any sort of commands unless they are interested in doing so, therefore using any resources available would help to aid the owner in getting the cat at least interested in responding to the command. It has been noted that cats are more likely to stop doing something if it proves to be unpleasant to their senses in any way. This vital piece of information can be used...

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