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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Become a Minimalist

You’d think that throwing a few things away and adopting a simpler lifestyle would be easy. How hard can it really be to do less and buy less?The reality is that this is actually much harder than it looks. We have become so used to being stressed, so used to being jealous and so used to wanting more that it is very hard to let go when we decide to try. Here are five mistakes that people often make and how you can avoid making the very same errors… Using Technology too Much Technology is in many ways the antithesis of a minimalist lifestyle. While no one is asking you to turn off your phone permanently, what you should avoid...

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3 Tips on How You Can Adopt a Minimalist Lifestyle Today

Do you find yourself full of respect for those people who live truly minimalist lifestyles? The people who go for long walks during the day, come home to small homes and cook simple meals so that they can enjoy a quiet evening together? Sounds kind of ideal doesn’t it! And presumably, it must have taken a lot of time and work on their part to get to that point.Well… not necessarily! Actually, few things could be simpler than adopting a minimalist lifestyle. In this post, we’re going to look at exactly how you can go about doing just that and start enjoying a more minimal life today! The Mindshift The first thing you need is a mindshift. You need to...

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