Green Living RSS

Sustainable Eating

Do you realize how much the decisions you make can affect the people and the world around you? Even the food choices you make can make a difference. Where you shop, the packaging for the food and the food itself can all affect your sustainable eating habits.Even though farming provides food for the world, there is much related to farming that is damaging to the environment. Think about the chemicals used on a farm. These chemicals soak into the soil and then down into the groundwater, which pollutes it. The machinery farmers use to harvest the food is run by fossil fuels and adds to the greenhouse gases. Here are some things you can do.Eat seasonal food that is grown...

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Seven Ways to Store Fresh Food Longer

Experts say the average family throws out nearly 15 percent of all fresh foods they purchase each year. Depending upon where you live and the time of year, that could add up to quite a bit of money. It is important to find ways to store fresh food for longer. Here are seven ways to accomplish this.1. Homemakers of years past had a root cellar to place root vegetables like potatoes, onions and carrots. They may have also used the root cellar to store home canned goods. Perhaps you do not have a root cellar, but you can use the same basic idea. The goal is to keep these vegetables in a cool, dry place that is out of direct...

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How to Make Your Own Green Cleaning Products

Cleaning your home is a necessity, but that does not mean you have to use toxic, chemically-laden cleaners. In fact, with just a few ingredients, you can make your own green cleaning products. Look below to learn how to make cleaners you will feel comfortable using around your family.The following are the items you will need to make natural cleaning products:* White distilled vinegar* Baking soda* Washing soda (found in the laundry aisle)* Natural detergent or liquid soap* Vegetable glycerin (optional)* Essential oil (optional)Soft Scrubbing CreamTo clean your bathtub, pour 1/2 cup baking soda into a medium bowl. Add liquid detergent and stir until it becomes the consistency of frosting. Put a spoonful onto a sponge, wet it slightly, clean...

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Healthy Cookware Options

If you have been trying to lose weight or simply want to eat healthier in the New Year, you may be looking for healthy cookware options. Each of the following types of cookware has their advantages but they may also have disadvantages. After reading about them, consider which one fits your needs most.Cast IronThis cookware is naturally non-stick. Using it also adds iron to your diet. You can find this cookware pre-seasoned and with an enamel coating. It is good to be aware, however, that enameled or glazed cookware that is made outside of the United States may not be made with the same safety standards as that made in this country.Anodized AluminumEven though some reports state aluminum reacts with...

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Five Myths about Going Green

Protecting the environment, or going green, is something more and more people are doing these days. You may be wondering if the things you do will make an impact. Here are five myths to bear in mind.1. One of the misconceptions about going green is that it uses more energy to recycle than it saves. However, part of the reason recycling is used by many manufacturers is that it does actually save energy. For instance, it takes 95% more energy to make a new aluminum can than recycling one. Another benefit of recycling, at least aluminum, is that it can be recycled repeatedly.2. Another myth about going green is that it is better to keep an old appliance and get...

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