Dog Articles — Dog Basics RSS

Adopting A Dog – Puppy Or Adult?

Everyone is surely going to get excited when trying to adopt a dog. Truly a man’s best friend, you can rely on your pet dog in giving you company, cuddling up together and some can even guard your house.You need to review your personal lifestyle and needs when adopting a dog. It is a major decision whether or not you would choose to have a puppy or an adult as a pet. Before deciding on which dog to adopt, here is some useful information that might help you decide. On Puppies • Bringing up a puppy is an advantage because this means that you would guide its growth and wellbeing. You would have the chance to raise it up according...

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Essential Care Tips for Your Dog

Dogs are loving pets. But caring for them is a bit of hard work.Here are some tips to consider in taking care of your dog: If you do not have a dog yet, consider the area where your dog can exercise. If you have a big yard where you could exercise or play with your dog, you might want to get a large dog such as a German Shepherd, Labrador, or Golden Retriever. If you have a smaller space, get a smaller dog like a Terrier or Dachshund. These types of dogs need little exercise compared with the larger dogs. You also need to consider your dog if there are children in your house. Some dogs like Pit bulls and...

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Basic Dog Training Methods

Management of dog’s behavior Exercise for your dog Make him understand the structure of your family system Make your dog kids friendly If you have adopted a puppy and have brought him home then, it is your responsibility to teach him certain things which can socialize him. He should know the tactics to live accordingly with your family and should not create any mess. There are different methods to do that and one of them is to hire some professional dog trainer but that is for people who have too much money to spend on their dog. You can also do this at your own very easily because there is no rocket science involved in this training and you can...

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Psychology of Dog

To train your dog, you must know exact facts about his psychology and in this chapter I will tell you all important facts about dog’s psychology. A wolf descendent Wolf instincts in dogs Establish an alpha role Do not bring in jealousy in dog’s mind Dog’s memory There are moments when you will think that “OH! MY DOG HAS HIS OWN FRAME OF MIND.” This is obvious and this reaction of your is also understandable and true because almost every dog has his own mind. They can behave very funny at times and they can behave in a very dangerous way sometimes. You need to make their reactions moderate and make sure that they do not over do those strange...

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