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Dog Training Basics

There are many aspects to look into when trying to train a pet and the following are some of the area to consider and how to go about doing so: Basic Information • One of the main areas that is cause for concern and stress is toilet training the pet. Some pets are easier to train in this area than others. There are ways to explore when it comes to toilet training a dog and with a little research and a lot of patience, it is possible to find the best way that will suit both the dog and the owner well. • Another area that is usually a cause for concern is how the dog behaves in any given...

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How to Train Your Puppy (6): Barking and Your Puppy

Dogs like to bark, it makes them feel powerful and in control of their surroundings. However, barking can be a nuisance that you need to control in order to keep a happy dog and household. By training your dog to "speak" on command he will be less likely to do it without being instructed to do so. Barking is your dogs' warning system, so when he barks when he wants in or to warn you, praise him for one bark. This should teach him that barking once gets your affection but barking excessively only gets him ignored. Dogs should not be left outside unattended. While a lot of people see nothing wrong with leaving a dog in a fenced yard...

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How to Train Your Puppy (5): Walking Your Puppy

Teaching a dog to walk on a leash is not always an easy task. It is in the dog‟s nature to want to wander off and sniff everything that comes in his path. However, this behavior is not conducive to a pleasant and athletic walk. You, his master, have to strike the balance between allowing him to explore his world and walking in a controlled way. The first thing you will need to do is purchase an appropriate leash for your dog. Make sure that it is the right weight according to how much your dog weighs right now. Even if he will eventually be 75 pounds, he will not be able to handle a heavy leash while he is...

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How To Train Your Puppy (4): Clicker-Training Your Puppy

Clicker-Training Your Puppy Training your puppy with a clicker is one of the most effective and easy ways to teach him how to behave. It is also the most humane way to train a dog because it centers on positive reinforcement rather then punishment. The process is a fairly simple one of clicking when your puppy exhibits the behaviors that you request and then rewarding him with a treat and positive words. Clicker training has been used on a wide variety of animals, beginning with pigeons and including dogs, whales, bears, lions, and even cats. For all of these animals the process is the same a verbal command is added to a click and eventually the animal does not need...

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How to Train Your Puppy (3): Kennel Training Your Puppy

Kennel Training Your Puppy As you are housebreaking your puppy you will also be training him to stay in a kennel or crate. A lot of people think the kennel is a punishment for a poorly behaved dog, but that is not at all the case. The kennel is his very own space. He will enjoy it and probably spend time in the kennel even when the door is open. Training your dog to stay in a kennel when you are not home or are asleep saves a great deal of anxiety for both you and your new pet. As stated before, dogs are den dwelling animals. The feel of a small space is comforting to them. You may even want...

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