Dog Articles RSS

Dog Health and Nutrition

Nutrition Dogs need some special nutrition to survive and be healthy. There are so many things which you need to include in your dog’s diet. Following are the essential elements which you must include in your dog’s diet. Protein and Amino Acids Proteins are necessary for dogs more than they are necessary for humans. There are ten essential amino acids which dietary proteins contain. These amino acids provide some very essential building blocks for lots of biological compounds. These amino acids are more essential for dogs because they cannot create any of these at their own. These amino acids also donate carbon chains which are needed to construct glucose chains. High quality proteins contain a good balanced amount of these...

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Advanced Training of Your Dog

Whether you have a new puppy at home or you have an adult dog who needs to learn some more advanced habits r you want him to forget some rather undesirable habits but for all of this you must know some basic training principals and especially if you want your dog to be proactive and learn some advanced skills then, this information will be really helpful for you. Positive Reinforcement Dog Training Positive training includes all the methods which contain love, fun, care and lots of car rides with your dog. There are some other methods also available which involve some torture like electrical collars, use of stick to train your dog and other similar methods. These methods are all...

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Basic Dog Training Methods

Management of dog’s behavior Exercise for your dog Make him understand the structure of your family system Make your dog kids friendly If you have adopted a puppy and have brought him home then, it is your responsibility to teach him certain things which can socialize him. He should know the tactics to live accordingly with your family and should not create any mess. There are different methods to do that and one of them is to hire some professional dog trainer but that is for people who have too much money to spend on their dog. You can also do this at your own very easily because there is no rocket science involved in this training and you can...

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Psychology of Dog

To train your dog, you must know exact facts about his psychology and in this chapter I will tell you all important facts about dog’s psychology. A wolf descendent Wolf instincts in dogs Establish an alpha role Do not bring in jealousy in dog’s mind Dog’s memory There are moments when you will think that “OH! MY DOG HAS HIS OWN FRAME OF MIND.” This is obvious and this reaction of your is also understandable and true because almost every dog has his own mind. They can behave very funny at times and they can behave in a very dangerous way sometimes. You need to make their reactions moderate and make sure that they do not over do those strange...

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Dog House Training

Although it seems very cruel to expect an animal to, “hold it”, where humans can just look for a toilet, it will help to the animal to introduce some sort of regimen. This will help to ease the burden to having a stressed out pet and owner. No More Accidents The following are some steps that can be taken to help train the animal to be house trained with fewer occurrences of “accidents”: • Picking a particular spot where the owner wants the dog to eventually identify as the toilet area is something that should be done in a consistent manner. By observing when the dog is likely to need a toilet break and taking the animal immediately to the...

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